Sunday, February 8, 2015

Big week for the Marathon

This has been a very good week for the Marathon. Not only did I run my first 20 miler in my training, but I received many generous donations for Boston Cares.

The week once again started with more snow. I am looking forward for a cross training day to not include shoveling, mainly because I miss running outside. Monday I spent shoveling and not running, Tuesday I ran 8 miles, Wednesday I ran 7 miles, Thursday was a rest day, Friday I had enough time for a quick 5 miles, Saturday I did 20 miles and Sunday I had a easy 5 mile recovery run all on the treadmill.

Originally, I had a very busy week scheduled with a meeting or something set for every day, but with the snow, Monday and Tuesday, it canceled my plans both days and then its all about getting in the miles when I can.

Thursday night was my rest day so I decided to go to Amicable lodge, there the brethren all came together and passed the hat around and collectively gathered $750.00 and the Lodge itself matched that donation making in all a $1500.00 donation to the cause! I am still in shock from the evening and very thankful to everyone involved.

Friday night, I had time after work to run a quick five miles before going to Mt. Olivet lodge on Friday to witness the visit of 25+ brothers from Ontario Canada who were visiting for a hockey game the next day. Mt. Olivet also came to my aid and made a donation to the run.

Saturday, I had to do a long run, my running plan called for 18 miles, but I went into it with an open mind. If I was not feeling it, I would do around 10, if I felt good I would do the 18. At the end, I felt really good around mile 18 and decided to go for it and get that 20! Being on a treadmill for more than 2.5 hours is torture and my mind was exhausted when it was all said and done but I had some good music to help get me there.

Sunday, I once again had to do some shoveling, but it was only 5 inches on the ground, and not enough to be considered cross training, so I went back to the gym for a recovery run.

On the week, 45 miles ran, Lots of donations and a long run completed.

Here are the links to the runs:





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